Helping our neighbors whose homes need fixing and energy upgrades is one of our most fun annual service projects. We typically coordinate 80-100+ members and partner/volunteers to improve the lives of seniors and families who don't have the skills or funds to do the work themselves. Enter Sunrise Rotary - if you'd like to help out (paint, weed, nail, sweep, or trim), visit our website to volunteer or donate funds.
Our international committee will, once again, host the TEA Fellows international teachers at MSU on September 26. Being co-hosted by the international studies department, they host educators from around the world as part of the Fulbright Teachers Excellence & Achievement (TEA) Program. While in Bozeman, they visit local classrooms and learn from MSU faculty on better ways to implement technology and teaching techniques in their home countries. This Thursday evening event will substitute for our regular Sept 27 Friday morning meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and refreshments will be served.
September 2 - Our new entrance is officially on the map, named Glen Lake Road per the City of Bozeman. To see the entire new road process from start to finish, here is our FLICKR FOLDER on the project
Part of our community service efforts, performed on a weekly basis, is through serving Meals on Wheels to homebound seniors. Sign-ups for Tuesdays are offered online at this link. Be sure to pick back-to-back weeks, one as Backup, then next as DRIVER
Is it Fun?
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States of America