Vocational Service
The Vocation and Education committee is tasked with promoting the value and worth of each member's knowledge and expertise to each other, and within our community. We do this through offering members opportunities to share their knowledge with the younger generations in school and RYLA leadership workshops with teens (via Interact), and young adults as they are members of Rotaract. We also sponsor periodic socials to educate members on our businesses through the 'rotating meeting' concept.
On the education side of the equation, Sunrise Rotarians are involved in promoting literacy in the schools, especially through our annual Book Giveaway Initiative, which provides 2 free books given to every 2nd grade student in Gallatin County.  This amounts to nearly 2300 books given away each year by over 30-50 of our members.
Book Stickering Party
Book Giveaway at School
Also supplementing this education is our commitment to providing financial and physical resources to the homeless student support programs at Bozeman, Gallatin and Belgrade High Schools, as well as helping to fund housing initiatives to help these displaced students.
Committee Chair - Ted Schmidt