International Service
COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The first Tuesday of each month at 7am

The 4th Object of Rotary is "the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service."

The mission of the Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club's International Services Committee is to develop and implement service projects and club activities which broaden the understanding among Americans about other world citizens, and vice versa, both at home and abroad, through fellowship and service.

The committee focuses on three major areas:

1. Long-term hands on projects
2. Annual fundraiser/social in February
3. Connecting locally to international events, students, etc

Here are international teachers from around the world, invited to Montana State University by the US State Department, offering words of praise for the opportunities they have in the U.S. to see our educational system, and giving us a short presentation how these US ideas can help them in their home countries


Here are highlights on past international projects we've done through our club, our Rotary district and Rotary International


Committee Chair - Dr. Mary Hubbard