Committee Chair - Robb Miller
Community Service encompasses the following sub-committees within our club:
  • Fix-Up Festival - rehabilitating homes in the Gallatin Valley through volunteer efforts facilitated through our club and with support with dozens of volunteers, business sponsors and area non-profit groups providing skills, labor and manpower. (Chair -  Alfons Staerk)
  • Glen Lake Rotary Park (GLRP) - formerly East Gallatin Recreation Area. We develop, maintain and fundraise for this large community asset that we helped build starting when our club chartered in 1992.  (Co-chairs, Bob Farrington and Joe Souther)
  • Kids Fishing Day - a day of free fishing at Glen Lake Rotary Park, typically on the 3rd Saturday of May each year, to benefit families each spring. See the event details in the page along the left-side of the same name. (Chair - Brandon Schreiner)
  • COAD support - standing for Community Organizations Active in Disasters - (Chair - Sue Higgins)
  • Meals on Wheels - delivery of meals to homebound seniors every Tuesday morning prior to lunch, provided all year by rotating member teams of 2 (Chair - David Crawford). To signup for 2 dates, VISIT OUR SIGN-UP PAGE for Tuesdays