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See you Friday April 12th at 6:45am in-person and on Zoom.
Dial by your location
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
-Pack the Sack Recap-
Big thanks to all who came out to Pack the Sack for KidsPack, a program by HRDC for kids experiencing food insecurity in our community. These packs are delivered every Friday to schools throughout our county (and surrounding counties). In 1.5 hours we packed 750+ meals which will be enough for one week of deliveries. Interested in volunteering for KidsPack or Senior Grocery Packing in the future? Sign Up to be a HRDC volunteer and set your email alerts for these (and more!) wonderful programs that serve our community.
-Book Giveaway School Sign-Ups-
Pictured: Anne Keith working her educator magic at Hyalite. Roger Barnes in the top right doing something. Boy in green shirt vibing, living his best book giveaway life. Camerawoman: Abby Turner.
We are in need of volunteers for distributing books! Check out the calendar and sign-up *HERE*, at the top of the page is a PDF you can click on that details the duties involved.
Thurs 4/11 (Gallatin Gateway)- Lead: Keith Nathan, Assistants: Mike Banville.
Thurs 4/11 (West Yellowstone)- Lead: Bob Wiersma, Assistants: __OPEN__.
Mon 4/15 (Middle Creek)- Lead: Terry Thompson, Assistants: Mary Hubbard.
Tues 4/16 (Ridge View)- Lead: Roger Barnes, Assistants: John Sackett and __OPEN__.
Tues 4/16 (Anderson School)- Lead: Robb Miller, Assistants: Alfons Staerk and Jason Wyant.
Tues 4/16 (Longfellow AM)- Lead: Bert Bartle, Assistants: Laura Kuntz.
Tuesday 4/16 (Three Forks)- Lead: Anne Keith, Assistants: __OPEN__ and __OPEN__.
Tues 4/16 (Longfellow PM)- Lead: Joe Souther, Assistants: Rebecca Souther.
Wed 4/17 (Willow Creek)- Lead: __OPEN__.
Fri 4/19 (Meadowlark)- Lead: Lisa Stoeffler, Assistants: Anne Keith and Amy Falcione.
Fri 4/19 (Hawthorne)- Lead: __OPEN__, Assistants: Erik Adams and Vicki Saab.
Fri 4/19 (Manhattan Christian)- Lead: Brandon Schreiner, Assistants: Jana Lehman.
4/23-4/26: There are even more schools available for sign-ups.
...and onward through May!
-Park Clean Up! Mark Your Calendars and Sign on Up!-
When: Saturday May 4th at 9AM Where: Glen Lake Rotary Park!
What: Our annual day of service helping with upkeep and maintenance projects at our park. *CLICK HERE* to sign-up for volunteer positions. BBQ lunch to follow.
-Kid Fishing Day Sign Ups-
When: Saturday May 18th Where: Glen Lake Rotary Park!
What: Enjoy helping out at our annual Kids Fishing Day. For many families this is their first time (1) at GLRP and (2) taking their kids fishing. Plenty of opportunities to help. Such as:
Prepping the storage room on Saturday 5/4: Bert Bartle & __OPEN__.
Teri Lumsden has already signed up to buy provisions at Costco on Saturday 5/11.
The big day- Saturday 5/18: Packing goodie bags, helping with registration, setting up tables and grills, assisting with PR, lake ambassadors (walk the shoreline and help as needed), cooks, gear clerk, food prep and clean up, and master of ceremonies! All slots are __OPEN__!
Our Youth Services committee is a proud sponsor of RYLA! RYLA will be held July 9-13 at Luccock Park in Paradise Valley. This year's camp is open to any high school freshman or sophomores. Our club sponsors two Bozeman High students and the Noon Club sponsors students from Gallatin High.
Know an interested student? Email Anne Keith ( for an application.
Want to volunteer at RYLA this summer? Fill out the Adult Volunteer Form on the left column **HERE**
Interested in being a sponsor? Fill out the RYLA Donation Form on the left column **HERE**
How about being on the interview committee?? Email Anne Keith. Dates TBD.
So many ways to be involved with Youth Services! As Whitney Houston once said, "I believe the children are our future."
-FUF Application Deadline Extended-
Help us get the word out to qualifying homeowners to submit applications to us before April 15th. Link to FUF page for more info and the application process **CLICK HERE**
If you cannot attend our weekly Friday gathering, learn of the make-up opportunities and our attendance guidelines by visiting this page on our website.
Please send any material you would like included in the weekly newsletter by Friday at 12:00 pm to Katie Capp via the website's internal email messaging or Please include the word "bulletin" in your subject line.
Question:We have quite a few projects happening in our club, but what are other clubs up to? Every year the Rotary Club of Shelton Skookum in Washington hosts OysterFest…so…how many people attended this event and how much money was raised for local organization?
Answer: _____ (find out next week + a lil related tidbit)
Club Information
Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club
Is it Fun?
Fridays at 6:45 AM
Eagle Mount
6901 Goldenstein Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715 United States of America