-Kara Gratzek, Bozeman Bike Kitchen-
This February 2nd at Eagle Mount and Zoom

The Bozeman Bike Kitchen is a fun cooperative cycling hub, empowering and educating the Gallatin Valley by refurbishing bicycles and promoting safe cycling for transportation and recreation. This Presentation will be an overview of their mission, their community programs, and the ways in which they serve the Gallatin Valley Community
Kara Gratzek is an experienced professional mechanic who believes in breaking down barriers to entry in the world of bike mechanics. Her passion for bicycles started early: as a young teen she could be found tinkering on her and her friends' bikes in the garage. She grew up in the Minneapolis area, and got her first job in the bicycle industry at 18. She's now working as the shop manager of the Bozeman Bike Kitchen, where she can tinker to her heart's content.
To learn more about Bozeman Bike Kitchen (they also have a newsletter you can subscribe to) **CLICK HERE**
See you Friday February 2nd at 6:45am in-person and on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 827 2600 7508, Passcode: 361033
Dial by your location
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
As February approaches, this will start our 15th year of getting ready to provide labor and materials to assist folks in need of home repairs. Step 1: Get the word out to qualifying homeowners to submit applications to us before April 1st. We'll report when the actual date is this Fall for home repairs for our members and friends. Link to FUF page for more info and the application process **CLICK HERE**
-Opera Fellowship-
This past Saturday, 9 Rotarians and additional family members met at the movie theater to take in the amazing Live in HD Met Opera performance of Carmen. The next opera is not until March so stay tuned for details. Until then, you can check out the Met Opera's page **HERE**. Rotary Fellowships are a great way to connect with members outside our normal meeting time. Have an interest you think others share as well? Start a Rotary Fellowship!
Lookin on the Rotaract horizon:
February Service Event: February 10th, 4:45 - 7:15. Winter Bloom Lantern Parade with Random Acts of Silliness at Gallatin Regional Park, Oak St. Entrance. Join us and see the next super fun event by RAS. For more info **CLICK HERE**
Rotaract Meet n Greet + Social! Thursday Feb 15th from 6-8PM at Colombo's Pizza. Click here to RSVP and get a free beer! *Free pizza too!
Thank you Rotaract for all you do!
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Ongoing Service Opportunities:
BSRC Service | Meals on Wheels Sign-Up
January 30- Gene Gaines & John Mills
Feb 6- John Mills & Gene Gaines
Feb 13- __OPEN__ & __OPEN__
Feb 20- Anne Keith & Lisa Stoeffler
Feb 27- Abby Turner & Randy Tyler
Beep Beep! Thank you drivers and co-pilots!
BSRC Service | Greeter + Inspiration
February 2- Brandon Schreiner
February 9- Vicki Saab
Feb 15- (rotating meeting) Sue Higgins
Feb 23- __OPEN__
Let your smile at the door and words lead us into 2024!
Out of Town? Miss a Meeting?
BSRC Misc. | Attendance + Meeting Make-ups
If you cannot attend our weekly Friday gathering, learn of the make-up opportunities and our attendance guidelines by visiting this page on our website.
Proposing a New Member:
New Member Proposals:
*In the works*
BSRC Misc. | Weekly Newsletter Deadline
Please send any material you would like included in the weekly newsletter by Friday at 12:00 pm to Katie Capp via the website's internal email messaging or katiecapp@gmail.com. Please include the word "bulletin" in your subject line.
Thanks for Reading! Have a Great Week!
Now for some Rotary Trivia:
- Answer from Last Week:
The first Rotary Club in Africa was established in 1921 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Johannesburg club's inception was part of Rotary's early international expansion, laying the groundwork for its subsequent growth across the African continent and enabling Rotary to engage in service projects tailored to the needs of African communities.
What role did Rotary International have in the formation of the United Nations?
- Answer: _____ (find out next week + a lil related tidbit)