Congratulations to the Fix-Up Festival Team
For a very successful first phase for 2023 - having generated a record 43 applications for our October 7 event. Phase 2 now begins visiting each applicant's location to screen each submission to whittle them down to the 10-15 most needy properties that can be completed by our adopting teams in an 8-hour or less day. More updates in coming weeks.
School Book Deliveries this week
Monday April 10 - Springhill
Tuesday April 12 - Cottonwood Elementary
Sign-Up HERE
BSRC Misc. | Attendance + Meeting Make-ups
If you cannot attend our weekly Friday gathering, learn of the make-up opportunities and our attendance guidelines by visiting this page on our website *click here*
BSRC Misc. | Proposing Candidate for Membership
For a list of classifications *click here*
BSRC Misc. | Weekly Newsletter Deadline Please send any material you would like included in the weekly newsletter by Friday at 12:00 pm to Mike Banville via the website's internal email messaging or
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED for the 2023-24 school year
Ever thought of hosting an incoming student for part of a school year? Rotary Youth Exchange allows our local families to house and enjoy the culture of a young man or woman (ages 16-18) for a 3-month stint (either mid August-November, December -mid March, or mid-March to late June).
Our student would be attending Bozeman High school. Whether you are in BHS or GHS jurisdiction does not matter.
Host families do not have to be Rotary Members. If you know someone in your family, friends, or community group, please do not hesitate to talk to them and send them my way!
For more questions/answers, please get in touch with me:
Glen Lake Rotary Park -Annual Cleanup May 6
Click HERE for start time and JOBS NEEDED
Give Big Gallatin Valley - 6pm May 4 to 6:00pm May 5
The most current update from Shelter Box helping the people in Syria and Turkey - view the video here