Montana Rotary and Creating Hope. Come meet and listen to our Rotary District Governor, Rick Powers, and get updates on Rotary in Montana from his travels to all the clubs across the state! His presentation will focus on what’s going on in Montana Rotary, all the upcoming events from clubs across the state, and Rotary International priorities. Did y'all know we have a district website? It's a pretty easy name to remember: . Check it out for all things Montana Rotary related!
See you Friday April 26th at 6:45am in-person and on Zoom.
Dial by your location
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
-Book Giveaway School Sign-Ups-
Pictured: Two second graders at Longfellow making the tough choice of which books to take home. Photographer: Madame President, Laura.
We are in need of volunteers for distributing books! Check out the calendar and sign-up *HERE*, at the top of the page is a PDF you can click on that details the duties involved.
Upcoming schools:
Tues 4/23 (Petra)- Lead: John Sackett, Assistants: Bill Frye. Lead: Amy Falcione, Assistants: Linda Reynolds.
Wed 4/24 (Amsterdam)- Lead: Nancy MacBride, Assistants: Terry Thompson.
Wed 4/24 (Manhattan)- Lead: Anne Keith, Assitants: Bob Wiersma.
Thurs 4/25 (Monforton)- Lead: Abby Turner, Assistants: Sydney Rick, Bill Frye, Taylor Frye.
Fri 4/26 (Emily Dickenson)- Lead: Teri Lumsden, Assistants: Lisa Stoeffler and Bobby Bell.
Wed 5/1 (Saddle Peak)- Lead: Roger Barnes, Assistants: _OPEN_, _OPEN_, _OPEN_, and _OPEN_.
Fri 5/3 (Story Creek)- Lead: Randy Tyler, Assistants: Anne Keith, _OPEN_, and _OPEN_.
Thurs 5/9 (Bozeman Summit)- Lead: Alfons Staerk.
Fri 5/10 (Morning Star)- Lead: _OPEN_, Assistants: _OPEN_, and _OPEN_.
Fri 5/10 (Bozeman Creative)- Lead: _OPEN_.
Thank you who have and are going to sign up!
-Park Clean Up! Mark Your Calendars and Sign on Up!-
Thank you all who have signed up at last week's meeting! There are still spots available!
When: Saturday May 4th at 9AM Where: Glen Lake Rotary Park!
What: Our annual day of service helping with upkeep and maintenance projects at our park. *CLICK HERE* to sign-up for volunteer positions. BBQ lunch to follow.
-Kid Fishing Day Sign Ups-
Pictured: an honest fisherman.
When: Saturday May 18th Where: Glen Lake Rotary Park!
What: Enjoy helping out at our annual Kids Fishing Day. For many families this is their first time (1) at GLRP and (2) taking their kids fishing. Plenty of opportunities to help. Such as:
The big day- Saturday 5/18: Packing goodie bags, helping with registration, setting up tables and grills, assisting with PR, lake ambassadors (walk the shoreline and help as needed), cooks, gear clerk, food prep and clean up, and master of ceremonies! MANY slots are__OPEN__!
Be part of the Fix-Up Festival and Adopt a home. Sunrise Rotary is looking for adopter teams for the upcoming September event. Your organization or business can make a real difference doing repairs that make a home safer, more energy efficient or more accessible. We will match the home to your teams interests as best as possible so join us today and be part of the planning process. Your team will work with an experienced project manager and have all the necessary materials and tools. For more information please contact FUF at
-RYLA Volunteers and Sponsors Needed-
Our Youth Services committee is a proud sponsor of RYLA! RYLA will be held July 9-13 at Luccock Park in Paradise Valley. This year's camp is open to any high school freshman or sophomores. Our club sponsors two Bozeman High students and the Noon Club sponsors students from Gallatin High.
Know an interested student? Email Anne Keith ( for an application.
Want to volunteer at RYLA this summer? Fill out the Adult Volunteer Form on the left column **HERE**
Interested in being a sponsor? Fill out the RYLA Donation Form on the left column **HERE**
How about being on the interview committee?? Email Anne Keith. Dates TBD.
In the spirit of the 2nd grade book giveaway, "The more you read, the more you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." -Dr. Seuss
Out of Town? Miss a Meeting?
BSRC Misc. | Attendance + Meeting Make-ups
If you cannot attend our weekly Friday gathering, learn of the make-up opportunities and our attendance guidelines by visiting this page on our website.
Please send any material you would like included in the weekly newsletter by Friday at 12:00 pm to Katie Capp via the website's internal email messaging or Please include the word "bulletin" in your subject line.
Answer from last week: (continuing our focus on club projects around the world)...
The Rotary Club of Macau plus 200 casino employees (from the casino the club meets at) were involved in a club effort to assemble 27,000 hygiene kits destined for the Philippines. The packages were provided to an organization that collects bath items from hospitality companies to be recycled and redistributed.
Question: In honor of our District Governor visiting this week, when and where is this year's district celebration?
Answer: _____ (find out next week + a lil related tidbit)
Club Information
Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club
Is it Fun?
Fridays at 6:45 AM
Eagle Mount
6901 Goldenstein Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715 United States of America