Ever thought of hosting an incoming student for part of a school year? Rotary Youth Exchange allows our local families to house and enjoy the culture of a young lady (this coming year from Germany aged 16) for a 3-month stint (either mid August-November, December -mid March, or mid-March to late June).
Our student would be attending Bozeman High school.
Host families do not have to be Rotary Members. If you know someone in your family, friends, or community group, please do not hesitate to talk to them and send them my way!
For more questions/answers, please get in touch with me: Ulrike.staerk@outlook.com
See our Video on Glen Lake Park Cleanup 2023 (click image below)
See our Video on 2023 School Book Giveaway (click image below)
News From Glen Lake Rotary Park committee
The initial road building bid that took place in February did not yield a suitable and affordable option for the city, so they re-designed the structure and will:
- Put it back out to bid (advertising it publicly) on May 20 and 27
- Offer a Pre-bid Meeting: June 1
- Bid Opening: June 8
- Bid Award on City Commission Agenda: June 27
Hopefully we have a new road completed before winter