Come hear from Rotary Youth Exchange Students Tabea and Guiseppe. Rotary Youth Exchange builds global citizens, lasting friends, and connects families around the world. Numerous members of our club have participated in RYE either as host families or through serving as coordinators for the area. Need an additional read on RYE? **CLICK HERE**
See you Friday December 1st at 6:45am in-person and on Zoom.
Dial by your location
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
-Queen of Hearts Heating Up!-
You can all breathe a sigh of relief. Robb Miller did not select the elusive Queen of Hearts at the last meeting. That means there are only 4 cards remaining and the pot is over $5,000! So arrive early and hop in line for your chance at the winnings and to support Rotaract. And if Robb Miller wins, we riot. Jokes jokes we support every member.
-It's Happening! Holiday Auction is Next Week!-
The Holiday Auction is on the snowy horizon. Join us on December 7th at 5:47PM at the MSU SUB Ballroom. Guests are very much welcome as we all come together to support our community! Tickets are available **HERE**.
Already have your tickets? Click the link above to preview auction items. Plenty of items to gift or to treat yo self!
-Proxy Voting-
Now for some official BSRC business: On December 15, we will elect the 2024-25 officers and directors for Sunrise Rotary. All members of the Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club have the right to vote at the Annual Meeting and any other meeting of members. A quorum, a majority of all active members, is required by the Club Bylaws to conduct such an election. We currently have 115 active members so 58 are needed to form a quorum. Unfortunately, we haven't had a quorum at a regular Friday meeting for some time. Consequently, at its regular meeting on November 14, the board approved a motion to allow proxy voting for the upcoming election. If a Member is unable to attend the upcoming Annual Meeting, scheduled for December 15, 2023, in order to achieve a quorum, the Member may give his or her proxy to either Secretary Keith Nathan or another member who will attend in person or on Zoom. We all very much want you to attend in person, but if you cannot, please email whomever you choose to be your proxy to notify them of your decision. Please be sure to cc Keith Nathan ( in any event so he knows you have done that as well. Thanks in advance for your help! -BSRC Board
-Background Check-
Check your emails. A large portion of the club is due for a background check. Every three years the district requires Rotarians to undergo a background check. The email sender is: Rotary International District 5390 and the subject is: Rotary International District 5390 Background Questionnaire. This is not a scam and takes about two minutes to complete.
Your smile at the door and your inspiring words are appreciated!
Out of Town? Miss a Meeting?
BSRC Misc. | Attendance + Meeting Make-ups
If you cannot attend our weekly Friday gathering, learn of the make-up opportunities and our attendance guidelines by visiting this page on our website.
Please send any material you would like included in the weekly newsletter by Friday at 12:00 pm to Katie Capp via the website's internal email messaging or Please include the word "bulletin" in your subject line.
Since the End Polio program began in 1985, there has been a 99.9% reduction in cases worldwide. Only two countries remain polio-endemic: Afghanistan and Pakistan. For more on polio eradication **CLICK HERE**
How many dollars has Rotary invested in water, sanitation, hygiene, and water resource management interventions globally?
Answer: _____ (find out next week + a lil related tidbit)
Club Information
Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club
Is it Fun?
Fridays at 6:45 AM
Eagle Mount
6901 Goldenstein Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715 United States of America