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-Club Members - Photo atop Peet's Hill
2nd Shoot July 12 after our meeting-
For those who could not make July 5, or want to be part of this larger group again, we'll do one more shoot July 12 at 8:30am. See article on our website for meet-up location.
-July 25 - Club Picnic Scheduled
at Glen Lake Rotary Park patio-
Just 2+ weeks out, we'll enjoy each others company at our Park on Thursday evening (in place of Friday meeting). All families and any guests (or prospective Rotarians) are welcome. Sign-ups are forthcoming for service and food items to bring.
We would love to see your smiling face and hear your words of inspiration!
Out of Town? Miss a Meeting?
BSRC Misc. | Attendance + Meeting Make-ups
If you cannot attend our weekly Friday gathering, learn of the make-up opportunities and our attendance guidelines by visiting this page on our website.